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the island  de Marutea seems to live outside of time.

the island  of Marutea stretches over 14 km2, it was officially discovered in 1791  by Captain Edward  during his pursuit of the Bounty mutineers. absence  password makes access to this island  difficult and the landing impossible in bad weather.  



“If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive. »

Dale Carnegie


The flowers grow wild and pesticides do not exist.

Here, beekeepers take the time to talk to their bees and work with respect for nature.



Marutea Gardens

the island  of  Marutea offers favorable conditions for the production of honey, its botanical richness constitutes  an important melliferous environment and its climatic conditions allow abundant nectariferous secretions.

The most common plants are the mikimiki (Pemphis acidula Forster, tupapa of the Mangarevans), the huhu (Suriana maritima L.) the  pandanahaia (Guettarda specioso, tafono of the Tahitians), the gueogneo (Tournefortia argentea L. Tohonu of the Tahitians), the Nono morienda citrifolia), whose sour fruits are good for  eat, a small grass called maudu (Lepturvs repens R. Br.) the Scoeuvola Konigii and the coconut palm.  

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